The latest buzz on the food and diet front is all about eating fat and not eating grains (or modified grass as Dr William Davis puts it in his best-seller, Wheat Belly. Now, diet books move on to the brain! Dr. David Perlmutter has come along with a book called “Grain Brain” which also says that carbohydrates should definitely be cut from your diet, but that fat is fine… especially for the brain.
“We’re not talking about hydrogenated trans-fats, but foods like extra virgin olive oil, avocado, grass fed meat and wild fish,” he says. Put differently, this translates as: drop all the processed stuff, select all-natural options (particularly vegetables) while leaving sugar, bread and any grain based products on the side.
“Basically this is a diet that really focuses on eating a lot of above ground vegetables, kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and relegates the meat to being the side dish,” says Dr. Perlmutter.
As a dietician and a well-respected neurologist, he is convinced that this way of eating is better for your brain. “People are really worried about brain issues. They’re worried about things like Alzheimer’s, depression, ADHD, etc., and the message of the book is that these issues are preventable.”