Now, the Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR, a Californian based non-profit corporation) is there to help you with upcoming international workshops:
Friday, February 21 – Monday, February 24 (Melbourne)
Friday, March 21 – Monday, March 24 (SF Bay Area)
Friday, April 11 – Monday, April 14 (NYC area)
They claim to: "... turn mathematical and empirical insights into everyday skills like; how to make accurate predictions, how to avoid self-deception, and how to get your motivation where your arithmetic says it should be."
But don't worry: this won't change human nature which, as we know, depends on emotion for many very human traits. The odd secret of rationality is its reliance on emotions, says CFAR President Julia Galef, . "People are always really surprised at how much time we spend at the workshops talking about our feelings," says CFAR President Julia Galef, who has a degree in statistics. "Rationality isn't about getting rid of emotions, but analyzing them and taking them into consideration when making decisions," she says.