Take the recent experience of JCPenney, a mid-market department store chain in the United States. No one questioned the brilliant track record of Ron Johnson who became the new CEO in late 2011, coming as he did from mega-success stories at both Target and Apple. But his plans for JCP's collection of over 1,000 rather tired looking stores were far reaching and involved what was effectively a kill or cure strategy - too much change too fast for most of the people involved. Including the customers.
He departed just a few weeks ago, after 17 months of much needed store and logistics improvements, as well as bringing about a major change to the whole sales and marketing approach. Not to speak of the culture jump he wanted everyone involved to take! It was too much.
As of May 1st 2013 JCP, began a 'mea culpa' publicity campaign along the lines of... we know we made mistakes but please come back to us...